
Showing posts from December, 2020

Is Sedation Dentistry Appropriate for Kids?

Sedation dentistry is an increasingly common option for patients who are anxious or afraid of the dentist or dental treatment or who are uncertain about their ability to withstand lengthy or complex treatment without getting some help to physically relax. We are often asked whether sedation dentistry in Kelowna is appropriate for children. The general answer is “yes,” but the details are important. We’ll go through some of the details and options for sedation dentistry near you in this article. When is sedation dentistry a good option? The first thing to keep in mind that a dentist in Kelowna always uses a local anesthetic to numb areas being treated when treating children. Sedation dentistry isn’t necessary to prevent a child from feeling pain; that is accomplished with local anesthetics. Having said that, sedation dentistry in one of many possible formats (which we’ll outline below) may be appropriate in the following situations: When treating an extremely young child who may not be...