
Showing posts from February, 2021

Important Things to Know About Sedation Dentistry

A dentist is a daunting personality to many of us! Whether it is a dental checkup or an extensive dental treatment, visiting a dentist near you can make you apprehensive about undergoing painful dental procedures. That is why we have sedation dentistry to help you relax and stay calm while in the dentist’s chair.  Sedation dentistry or comfort dentistry is the practice of administering sedatives to patients before dental procedures to keep them comfortable during the procedure. They can be used both for simple and complex treatments, depending on the patients’ needs. Among the various methods of sedation, the one used most commonly for extensive, invasive dental work is IV sedation. For other purposes, oral sedation or sedation through inhalation is also used by dentists in Kelowna .  What Are The Methods Used In Sedation Dentistry? 1. Inhaled sedation - This type of sedation is meant to calm you down while you stay conscious. Nitrous oxide, aka ‘laughing gas’, is administered through