Important Things to Know About Sedation Dentistry


A dentist is a daunting personality to many of us! Whether it is a dental checkup or an extensive dental treatment, visiting a dentist near you can make you apprehensive about undergoing painful dental procedures. That is why we have sedation dentistry to help you relax and stay calm while in the dentist’s chair. 

Sedation dentistry or comfort dentistry is the practice of administering sedatives to patients before dental procedures to keep them comfortable during the procedure. They can be used both for simple and complex treatments, depending on the patients’ needs. Among the various methods of sedation, the one used most commonly for extensive, invasive dental work is IV sedation. For other purposes, oral sedation or sedation through inhalation is also used by dentists in Kelowna

What Are The Methods Used In Sedation Dentistry?

1. Inhaled sedation - This type of sedation is meant to calm you down while you stay conscious. Nitrous oxide, aka ‘laughing gas’, is administered through a mask put over your nose and mouth. This method is used commonly for simple procedures to calm patients who have deep anxiety over dental procedures.

2. Oral sedation - The level of oral sedation can range between minimal to moderate. Taken in the form of a pill, patients become drowsy within an hour and could even fall asleep during the dental procedure. 

3. IV sedation - The Intravenous (IV) method of sedation administers the medication through a thin needle or catheter placed in the patient’s vein. After this, the patient remains in a semi-awake state all through the procedure. 

4. General anesthesia - For more complex dental procedures, like surgeries, dentists prefer to use general anesthesia that sends you into deep sedation. You will remain unconscious until the effects of the medication wear-off or reverse medication will be provided to wake you up.

Most dentists can use inhalation and oral sedation, but to administer deep sedation, a certification is required. Also, the dentist must receive sufficient training in the use of deep sedation techniques before practising it.

Important Facts About IV Sedation

If you are unsure of opting for the IV method of sedation dentistry near you for your next dental procedure, consider these facts:

1. IV sedation is different from general anesthesia - General anesthesia is used when the patient needs to be completely unconscious throughout the procedure. IV sedation, on the other hand, keeps the patient in a semi-awake state where they can respond to commands and can be woken up with a gentle nudge. 

IV sedation is safer than general anesthesia and does not require a dental anesthesiologist for its administration. 

2. IV sedation is safe - Since the dentist is trained in sedation dentistry and has full control over the level of sedation desired, IV sedation is a safe technique to be used for most patients. It is also a more effective method of sedation since the drug is put directly through your vein causing faster sedation.

3. IV sedation requires monitoring - After sedating you through the IV method, the dentist needs to monitor your status closely. Once the treatment is over, you will require sufficient time to regain complete consciousness before you can leave the dental clinic.

4. Benefits both the dentist and the patient - For comfortably completing a dental procedure, it is crucial that the patient remains calm and still in the dentist’s chair. Sedation dentistry ensures that the dentist can work efficiently while the patient stays comfortable.

5. Limitations for the use of IV sedation - Like all other medications, IV sedation also is not suitable for everyone or all purposes. It is not recommended to be used on children as they respond to drugs differently than adults.

Patients diagnosed with other health conditions, for instance, diabetes or high blood pressure, may not be suitable candidates for receiving IV sedation.

Sedation dentistry is safe for patients provided it is practiced by a certified and trained dental professional and is closely monitored. 

At Swift Dental, our dentists have accreditations in providing sedation dentistry in Kelowna. Book a consultation to find out how it can help you.

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